Our Love Story: Part 2

   My husband and I have been married for a little over a year and I wanted to record our love story. Many aspects of it sound incredible and  I was a bit afraid to publish it online. However, it always encouraged me when I was single to read the real love stories of fellow Christians. God can work in amazing ways when He brings people together. I am so blessed to be able to share how He worked in our lives and fashioned our relationship. 
Read Part 1

   A Gift From Above
The Love Story of David and Lexi
Part 2
     The couple weeks following my first encounter with David went by without seeing him again. We attended different services at church and our paths did not intersect. At this period I was struggling with believing God could or would provide a spouse for me. I knew He was able to do it in other people’s lives, but I was not so sure when it came to mine. I was fully aware that not everyone in life is destined to have a spouse, and I didn’t think I would find someone who would complement my brand of quirky.
      In February 2018 I attended a ladies retreat one weekend. My Bible study leader felt led to pray over me, and she prayed that God would let me meet my future husband very soon. I really didn’t have a lot of confidence (faith) that this could happen, and contended myself with praying that David would be at a church event that Friday. I had enough faith to pray that God would let me see David again, but I didn’t have enough faith to pray for a relationship. God certainly wants us to have faith in Him (His word says so again and again), but I believe our faith/trust needs to be genuine. I knew I was lacking, and I knew I could not change my heart without God’s help. I believe He put my Bible study leader in my life to intercede on my behalf and ask for what I could not, with faith I did not have. God is very gracious. My lack of faith in this area did not prevent His goodness. In my weakness, He was stronger. I mention my lack in this area because it can be easy for believers to tell a single person that their singleness is due to an area of personal weakness. Many times I have read that God won’t bring you a person until you’re content in  your singleness, or He waits until you have reached a certain place in your spiritual growth. To some extent, and in certain cases, this can be true. However, it is not a universal truth, and God often showers us with good gifts in the midst of our struggles and imperfections. 
      The next Friday my friend and I were at the church event when David sallied through the doorway. It was like a slow-mo scene from the movies. I could almost see the heavens part and rays of sun stream down upon us. There may have been a symphony playing in the background. I was beyond elated to see him. We chatted for awhile before the event started and we had to take our seats. At one point I went to the lobby to get a Kleenex and my Bible study leader pulled me aside. “I saw you talking to David. I need to tell you something. This week I asked my husband if he could think of someone at church who would be a good match for you...and he said without hesitation-DAVID.”
        The next few weeks I was an emotional wreck. I am not going to pretend I was even mildly in control of my feelings. My sister would tell you I had lost it. My friend Samantha would say I was not in a good place. My mother would tell you I was in love, despite the fact that I had only met him twice. I was probably all of those things PLUS sleep deprived. The several-week-long drama ended with my father pulling me aside to say, “Cover it in prayer and move forward”. So I did. I decided I would attend the service which David attended for two weeks. He had TWO WEEKS to ask me out. I was working the next several Saturday nights, and it was the perfect time to give God (and David) a chance to move. 
        The first week we talked after church for a nice long time. I was very careful to maintain eye contact and look VERY interested. Since flirting is generally looked down upon in the sanctuary, I had to use what (respectable) means I could to indicate “I am interested”. I have always felt it was unfair of women to avoid and be shy around the very men who they wished to date. How is the poor fellow supposed to know you are interested?  However, I digress. I made it very clear I would be there the next week and then return to my normal service time. The next week was key.
        My Bible study leader was praying for God to direct her about speaking to David about me. She prayed that she would meet him alone and at a good time to talk if she was supposed to say something. David arrived to church about 15 minutes late the next Sunday, about 95% sure he would ask me out afterwards. The aforementioned leader met him in the parking lot and mentioned to him that a refusal would not be met with if he asked me out. That decided him absolutely. After service I turned around to see David making a bee-line for me. We made a date for gelato on the next Friday. I went home fairly dancing on air. I called Samantha screaming the news.
        Our first date was 8 hours long and spanned five locations. My sister declares it was ridiculously too long for a first date. However, it was the beginning of a beautiful dating journey that would last until September 25th 2018, when David surprised me at a family dinner by asking me to marry him. 
         During our dating relationship we both laughed, cried, made mistakes, struggled with fears, and learned to love each other more every day. God has been so good to us, and we cannot begin to thank Him enough for bringing us together. He taught me to trust Him during our dating days more than I ever had before, to trust Him absolutely and to believe in His goodness to me on a personal level. I am ever grateful for those days and for the faithful God I serve. David is truly one of the greatest answers to prayer I have ever received. Truly my husband is a gift from above. Praise God!


  1. Congratulations on finding the love of your life! Thank you for sharing how the Lord brought you two together. ^_^ I appreciate what you said about how God doesn't always wait to bring us a spouse until we are content in singleness. We should of course, be content, but He lays desires on our hearts that He will fulfill.

  2. This was so encouraging to read! I too appreciate what you said about it not always being the case that we must be wholly content in singleness before God brings us a spouse. I always felt so depressed reading posts that said that!:( I do also agree that we should be content and not upset with God for how He has ordered our life, but that it is ok to want and pray for a spouse and not try to force a contentment with staying single. Thank you for sharing your sweet story!


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